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Bidders in the Stock Market: How They Shape the Market

The stock market moves are a tug-of-war between bidders wanting to buy stocks and sellers wanting to sell their stocks. Bidders are the push that drives demand and stock prices. By understanding how bidders operate and get priority for their orders, you can make smarter investing decisions. 

In this article, we will look at the concept of bidders, how they operate, and how different bidders are prioritised. Let’s get started.

What is a bidder in the stock market?

An auction bidder and a stock market bidder are almost similar. Bidders are individuals or organisations that propose to purchase an asset from a seller in a market for an agreed-upon price. 

Anyone or any entity may place a bid, and the sale can include many parties or take the form of an auction. When selling an asset, the seller often goes with the bidder offering the highest price.

A well-functioning market cannot exist without bidders. Bidders tell the market whether demand is rising or falling by revealing the maximum amount they are ready to pay for an asset. More sellers may join the market when high interest is in an asset, driving up prices.

Role of a bidder in the market

An important factor in what moves and ticks the stock market is bidders. A way to put it is that bidders determine the market’s trajectory. Bidders’ stated prices—or, more specifically, their stated willingness to pay prices—for security may suggest that they expect a high level of market demand if the price is high. 

Because of the potential for a higher price, this might increase the number of sellers looking to sell their securities.

How do bidders operate?

Bidders, as you might expect from the definition, are traders who speculate on future prices before placing bids.

Afterwards, the bidder contacts their broker to place an order.

Crucial information like the number of shares of the company in question that the bidder plans to purchase and the price they are prepared to pay are included in the order.

After that, the broker will place the bid or trader’s offer on the stock market.

The idea of the ask price enters the picture at this point. Additionally, sellers often announce the quantity of shares they are willing to sell and the price they plan to sell them for. A trade will be complete if the ask and the bid are in line. 

Which bidder is given priority in the stock market?

Time and price are two factors that determine a bidder’s priority in the share market. Price-time priority is vital in order-driven financial markets, where trades are executed depending on how they interact with buy and sell orders. 

To maximise the effectiveness of their execution strategies, traders must understand the different priorities of their orders. Buyers might want to ensure orders are executed at the most competitive price.

Here are a few vital points to consider as we go into the complexities of price-time priority:

Price priority: 

In an order-driven system, the prices of the orders determine their ranking. High bidder stocks are prioritised over bids with lower prices, and vice versa for ask prices. When there are numerous orders with varying prices, the highest bid will be paired with any sell orders below or equal to that price first.

Time priority: 

In cases where multiple orders have identical prices, one’s time determines the execution of the order. If two orders with the same price, the one that comes first will be executed. 

Order book: 

The order book shows all current purchase and sale orders, the associated amounts and prices, and is an essential part of an order-driven system. It lets traders see the current supply and demand in real time, so they can evaluate the market’s liquidity. Orders are organised in the order book according to price and submission time, which reflect the price-time priority.


One thing that keeps the stock market going is bidders. Your ability to accurately forecast the movement of stock prices is crucial to your success as a bidder. Capital risks are inherent in bidding like they are in any stock market move. Therefore, one needs to have a reasonable risk appetite and be familiar with stock market risks to bid.


What does bidding mean in trading? 

Bidding refers to the process where potential buyers indicate the price they are willing to pay for a stock or security. It’s essentially an offer made by investors to purchase shares at a specific price, which is known as the bid price. The bid price represents the demand side of the market and is the highest price that buyers are currently willing to pay. 

Do investors buy at bid or ask? 

Investors looking to purchase stocks immediately would typically buy at the ask price, which is the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for their shares. The ask price, also known as the offer price, represents the supply side of the market. If investors are not in a hurry, they may place a limit order at the bid price, hoping that a seller will agree to this price. However, for an instant transaction, buying at the ask price is the norm, as it reflects the current market rate at which sellers are ready to part with their shares.

What happens if a stock price goes to zero? 

If a stock price goes to zero, it implies that the company is likely facing severe financial distress or bankruptcy, and the value of the investment is essentially wiped out. Investors holding the stock would lose their entire investment, as the shares would be worthless. In such cases, the stock is often delisted from the exchange. 

What is the difference between market price and bid? 

The market price of a stock is its current trading value on the stock exchange, which is typically the last price at which the stock was traded. The bid price, on the other hand, is the highest price that buyers are willing to pay for the stock at that moment. The bid price is usually lower than the market price because buyers aim to purchase at a lower cost.

What is the difference between offer and bid in stocks? 

The offer (or ask) price is the lowest price at which sellers are willing to sell their shares, while the bid price is the highest price buyers are willing to pay for those shares. The offer price represents the minimum amount sellers expect to receive for their stock, reflecting the supply side of the market. Conversely, the bid price reflects the demand side, indicating the maximum that buyers are ready to pay. 

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