Home » Stock Market 1O1 » Discovering the secrets of the inverse head and shoulders pattern

Discovering the secrets of the inverse head and shoulders pattern

Could recognising this simple pattern be the game-changer in your trading strategy? Read more to find out!

inverted head and shoulders pattern

Ever felt confused by looking at stock market charts? You’re not alone! Today, we’re talking about a pattern traders often use called the “inverted head and shoulders.” It sounds fancy, but it’s really just a helpful way to predict what might happen in the market. And the best part? It’s simpler than you think!

Let’s read more.

What is an inverted head and shoulders pattern?

Imagine a line-up of three people. The person in the middle is shorter than the two people standing on either side of him. The inverted head and shoulders pattern in trading charts has a similar appearance.

This pattern occurs when the price of a stock or asset makes three distinct moves: a dip, a deeper dip, and then another dip that mirrors the first. This sets up the pattern that looks somewhat like an upside-down human head and shoulders.

But why is it so important? Well, it’s like a silent drum roll in the market, often signalling that the asset is gearing up for a significant upward movement.

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Components of the pattern

Understanding the pattern means breaking it down into its parts. Here are the essential elements you should know:

  1. The left shoulder

This is the first dip in the price. Traders often see this as a typical downturn, but little do they know that it’s the start of something more significant.

  1. The head

The most crucial part of the pattern is the head, which is the deeper dip in the price. This is where many investors might panic or sell, thinking the asset is on a downfall. However, if you recognize the potential for an inverted head and shoulders pattern, this could be a great buying opportunity.

  1. The right shoulder

The third dip is usually similar in depth to the left shoulder. When this occurs, savvy traders are on high alert for a breakout, i.e., a significant price increase.

  1. The neckline

Connecting the tops of the two shoulders is what traders call the “neckline.” Once the price breaks above this line, it’s usually a good indicator that the asset will continue to rise.

How to spot the pattern

How do you spot this helpful pattern among all those zigzags on the chart? Here are some easy tips:

  • Look for a downtrend: The pattern typically forms after an extended period of declining prices.
  • Identify the shoulders and head: Watch for the three distinct dips we discussed earlier.
  • Locate the neckline: Draw a straight line connecting the peaks of the shoulders. This is your neckline.
PartWhat to Look for
Left shoulderFirst dip in the price
HeadDeeper, central dip
Right shoulderSecond, usually symmetrical, dip
NecklineLine connecting tops of shoulders

How to use the pattern for trading

  1. Calculate the target price

Once the pattern is identified, calculating the inverse head and shoulders pattern target can give you an idea of how high the price might go. Measure the distance from the neckline to the bottom of the head and add that number to the neckline. This will give you a good estimate of the target price.

  1. Be patient

It’s crucial to wait for the price to break above the neckline to confirm the pattern. Premature trading can result in losses.

  1. Set stop-loss orders

While this pattern is a strong indicator, it’s not foolproof. Setting a stop-loss order just below the right shoulder can help minimize losses in case things don’t go as planned.

Real-world examples and applications

Asset TypeTrigger Events for Pattern Formation
StocksEarnings reports, product launches
CommoditiesEconomic data, currency fluctuations
ForexGeopolitical events, economic indicators
BondsInterest rate changes, economic policy

Benefits and limitations

Like any tool, the inverse head and shoulders pattern has its pros and cons.


  • Easy to spot: Once you know what to look for, this pattern is relatively straightforward to identify.
  • Reliable: It’s one of the more dependable indicators of a bullish trend.
  • Versatile: This pattern can be found in various time frames and markets.

Also Read: What do these symmetrical triangle patterns suggest?


  • False signals: While generally reliable, the pattern can occasionally give a false breakout signal.
  • Requires confirmation: Traders often wait for other indicators like trading volume to confirm the pattern.
  • Not a guarantee: The financial markets are influenced by a multitude of factors, and no single pattern can predict them with 100% accuracy.

Practical tips for beginners

If you’re new to this, here are some quick tips to get you started:

  • Practice spotting: Before you risk any real money, practice spotting this pattern on historical charts or paper trading platforms.
  • Pair with other indicators: For better accuracy, use other technical indicators like Relative Strength Index (RSI) or Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) alongside.
  • Keep learning: The inverse head and shoulders pattern is just one tool in the trader’s toolbox. The more patterns and strategies you learn, the more versatile you become.
Tips for BeginnersDescription
Practice spottingUse historical charts to identify patterns
Pair with other toolsCombine with RSI, MACD, etc., for improved accuracy
Keep learningThe more tools you know, the more versatile you become in trading


The inverted head and shoulders pattern isn’t just a difficult term. It is rather a tried-and-tested method which the traders have been using for years. The pattern suggests that the value of an asset is likely to go up, so it’s a good idea to pay attention.

If you know how to identify this pattern on a chart and calculate its particular target, you’ll be better equipped for your trading journey.

So, the next time you’re finding it difficult to glance through the complex graphs and data, keep an eye out for the distinct shape of an inverted head and shoulders pattern. It could be your key to making a profitable trade!

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