Top 11 Finance


you need to watch

Inside Job (2010)

Learn how greed and dishonesty wrecked the global economy

The Great Hack (2019)

Learn how your data is bought and sold

Too Big to Fail (2011)

Watch the intense drama of saving the economy

Money for Nothing (2013)

Get an inside look at the Federal Reserve

The Big Short (2015)

See how regular guys took on Wall Street

“Frontline” The Warning (2009)

Find out why ignoring financial experts is dangerous

Boom Bust Boom (2015)

Explore the rise and fall of economic bubbles

The China Hustle (2017)

Discover the wild world of Chinese stock fraud

The Panama Papers (2018)

Get a look into the secretive world of offshore accounts

The Ascent of Money (2008)

Travel through time to see how money shaped the world

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