8 Tax-Free

Countries Revealed


United Arab Emirates (UAE)

No personal income taxes on individuals.



No personal income tax, capital gains tax, or inheritance tax. The country relies on VAT and other indirect taxes for revenue.



No personal income tax, with the government primarily generating revenue through employer payroll taxes, import duties, and fees.



Residents are not subject to income tax, although French citizens must still pay French taxes.


Cayman Islands

No personal income tax, corporate tax, or capital gains tax. The government funds itself through customs duties and work permit fees.



No personal income tax, with the country’s wealth primarily coming from its oil and gas exports. The government imposes indirect taxes and fees instead.



No personal income tax or capital gains tax. The government primarily relies on revenues from phosphate mining, fishing licenses.



No personal income tax, wealth tax, or capital gains tax. The country funds itself mainly through its oil and gas revenues, along with a VAT and other indirect taxes.

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