Have questions about StockGro?

Find your answers in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is StockGro?

StockGro is India's first and largest 'Social Investment' platform aimed at helping everyone master the art of 'Trading & Investment'. StockGro provides a unique immersive experience to its users blending the best of social networking, investment education, and trading in multiple asset classes. Through experiential learning journeys, users can test their strategies and experience the thrill of trading.

Also, experts and friends come together on StockGro to help you learn more about the Stock Market. This is an initiative to make the financial education more fun and interactive so as to help everyone learn about money and investments

Can I join a PrepZone on StockGro without a trading account?

Yes, trading account is not needed to get started. At registration, each user is awarded platform currency of INR 10,00,000 in three different portfolios named Default / Model, Alpha and Beta. While Default Portfolio is for long-term investing, Alpha and Beta are used only to join in StockGro PrepZones. Users can start adding stocks to these portfolios with the platform currency.

Do I trade stocks with real money?

No, you trade with platform currency. This currency can be used to build a portfolio consisting of stocks.

How do I register on StockGro?
  • Enter your mobile number
  • Type and submit the OTP received on SMS
  • Enter your name
  • Create a 4-digit PIN and your account is ready to use
Where can I find Invitation code?

You don't need an invitation code to sign up on the app. This is an optional feature applicable when a user is being invited by another registered user / or StockGro Ambassador. So if you don't have an invitation code, you can proceed without entering it.

How can I reset my PIN?

On the Login Screen, Click on 'Forgot PIN'. You will receive an OTP on your registered mobile number. Enter this OTP and submit. On the next screen, you can then reset your PIN.

What is a Portfolio?
  • A portfolio is a collection of stocks. On StockGro, one Default portfolio and two practice PrepZone portfolios (Alpha and Beta) are provided at the time of registration.
  • You can buy or sell stocks to add new positions to the portfolios.
  • Once added, every position will either be in a state of profit or loss.
  • To check this, you can open the relevant portfolio.
  • To remove a position from the portfolio, you must execute a transaction in the opposite direction i.e. to close a buy trade, you must sell the stock and vice versa.
What are Alpha and Beta Portfolios?

Alpha and Beta Portfolios are Lifetime Free PrepZone Portfolios. This means that these portfolios can be used to join in the daily, weekly and special PrepZones.

Every time you enroll in a PrepZone, you are required to link one of the two portfolios. Each of them contains INR 10,00,000 platform currency which can be used to buy or sell stocks.

Do note, Alpha and Beta Portfolios are reset every time the PrepZone concludes.

What is a Default portfolio?

Default portfolio is similar to the Alpha and Beta Portfolios but it cannot be linked to any PrepZone.

The purpose of this portfolio is to help users build long term portfolios that do not reset every time a PrepZone ends. Buy and Sell trades can be executed using the Default Portfolio but they remain open until you square off i.e. sell the stocks you bought and vice versa.

This can be used to test Long Term Investing Strategies.

What is the difference between Alpha and Beta Portfolios?

There is no difference between Alpha and Beta Portfolios. They exist only to help you join in two different PrepZone at the same time. You can only link one portfolio to one PrepZone at any given time. So, with these two portfolios you can only join in two different PrepZone simultaneously.

Can I join multiple PrepZone with the same portfolio?

No, you can only join 1 PrepZone with 1 portfolio.

Can I join a PrepZone with multiple portfolios?

No, you can only join a PrepZone with a single portfolio.

Is there a limit on the number of portfolios I can use?

Yes, as of now, StockGro provides 1 Default Portfolio and 2 PrepZone portfolios at the time of registration.

What is Portfolio Value? How is it different from Cash Balance?
  • Portfolio Value reflects the value of your portfolio after accounting for realised & unrealised profit or loss, transaction charges and cash balance.
  • Cash balance reflects unused cash available for future investments.
  • In the example below, an investment of ₹2,72,937 in stocks resulted in Net Profit of ₹65,267 and the remaining cash balance was ₹7,26,994. Let's see how the portfolio value is calculated
Cash Balance ₹7,26,994.00
(+) Invested Amount ₹2,72,937.50
(+) Realised Profit ₹41.55
(+) Unrealised Profit ₹65,335.50
(-) Transaction Charges ₹110.05

(=) Portfolio Value ₹10,65,267
Where can I monitor my portfolio?

Click on the 'Portfolio' tab to view all your portfolios here.

The Default Portfolio shows the returns till date. Alpha and Beta Portfolios will only show returns if they are linked to any ongoing PrepZone.

Can I cancel an order (to buy and sell shares) after placing it?

Yes, you can cancel the order if it hasn't been executed yet. To check the status of your orders, visit the Portfolio section and tap on the linked portfolio. Then tap on 'Orders' to see all your orders and cancel any of the pending orders.

How do I know if my order is executed/ successful?

Open the respective portfolio and click on 'Orders' section to check if the order was executed or is in pending state.

I placed an order, but I can't see the stocks in my portfolio yet. Why?

Please check if the order to buy or sell the stocks was executed and successful. If yes, the stocks will appear in the 'Holdings' section of your respective portfolio. If not, it will continue to be present in the 'Orders' tab in the pending state. If you are still not able to find it, kindly check the 'History' tab.

Do I have to create a new portfolio every time I join in a PrepZone?

Yes, PrepZone portfolios (Alpha and Beta) are automatically reset after a PrepZone ends. So, users have to build new portfolios by initiating new buy or sell trades each time they join a new PrepZone.

Can I view other StockGro user's portfolios?

The Default portfolio section can be viewed by opening a friend's profile and tapping on 'Long Term Portfolio'. Similarly, if the friend has joined in any PrepZones, the portfolios linked to the PrepZones will be visible in the 'Recent Performance' section under the 'Statistics' tab of that friend's profile.

What is 'Invested Amount'?

Invested amount is the total amount of money spent from that portfolio to buy or sell stocks.

How do I Buy or Sell stocks from the 'stocks' Section?
  • To Buy or Sell stocks from the 'stocks' section, first select the stocks you want to buy/sell
  • Next, click on 'Buy' or 'Short Sell' if you want to short a stocks
  • Then select either the 'Market' or 'Limit' Order
    1. In 'Market' Order, you can only enter quantity and transaction will be executed at market price
    2. In 'Limit' Order, enter 'Quantity' and 'Price'. 'Total Amount' will auto-populate
  • Then Select either 'Regular' or 'Bracket' Order
    1. If 'Bracket Order' is selected, enter 'Stop Loss' and 'Book Profit' targets
  • Finally, select the portfolio to which the stocks must be added and Click on 'Review Order'
  • Verify the details and confirm the same by clicking on 'Buy' or 'Short Sell'
  • Once executed, the order is successful and you'll see the stocks in your portfolio
  • If the order is yet to be executed, you'll find it in pending state in the 'Orders' tab inside the associated portfolio
How do I Buy or Sell stocks from the 'PrepZone' section?
  • First, tap on 'My Prep Zone' and go to the PrepZone in which you want to place orders
  • Then select the stocks you want to buy/sell
  • Next, click on 'Buy' or 'Short Sell' if you want to short a stocks
  • Then select either the 'Market' or 'Limit' Order
    1. In 'Market' Order, you can only enter quantity and transaction will be executed at market price
    2. In 'Limit' Order, enter 'Quantity' and 'Price'. 'Total Amount' will auto-populate
  • Then Select either 'Regular' or 'Bracket' Order
    1. If 'Bracket Order' is selected, enter 'Stop Loss' and 'Book Profit' targets
  • Finally, select the portfolio to which the stocks must be added and Click on 'Review Order'
  • Verify the details and confirm the same by clicking on 'Buy' or 'Short Sell'
  • Once executed, the order is successful and you'll see the stocks in your portfolio
  • If the order is yet to be executed, you'll find it in pending state in the 'Orders' tab inside the associated portfolio
What does 'Holdings' refer to in the portfolio?

Holdings show the amount you've invested in different stocks along with the cash balance

Can I make edits to my portfolio once the PrepZone starts?

Once you have linked a portfolio to the PrepZone, you can make unlimited changes before or after the PrepZone starts till the PrepZone ends.

What if my stocks don't show up in my portfolio?

Please check if the order to buy or sell the stocks was executed and successful. This can be checked under the 'Orders' tab.

If the orders were placed with 'Stop Loss' or 'Book Profit' instructions, it is possible that it got triggered. Check the history page to review any such automatically triggered transactions in your portfolio. If this issue doesn't get resolved within 24 hours, please contact our support.

Can I choose which portfolio I want to join PrepZone?

Yes, you can choose any of the PrepZone Portfolios to enter a PrepZone. However, Default Portfolio cannot be linked to PrepZone.

Why is my order in pending state?

An order placed can either get executed immediately or go into the pending state for one of the following reasons -

  1. It was placed after-market hours i.e. between 3:30 PM and 9:15 AM. Therefore, it will get executed only after markets open
  2. It was placed in a portfolio linked to a PrepZone which has not yet started. Therefore, it will get executed only after the PrepZone starts.
  3. It was a 'Limit Order'. Therefore, it will get executed only if the market trades at that price defined by you in the order instructions.
  4. It was placed on a stocks in which trading was halted as the stocks hit upper or lower circuit. Therefore, it will get executed only after trading resumes.
What is the use of Top Portfolios of the Day and Week shown on the home screen?

Everyday StockGro users perform well in an PrepZone program by building great portfolios. The 'Top Portfolios' section on the homepage recognizes such users who have built the day's or week's most profitable portfolios (by percentage returns).

Additionally, this section encourages beginners on StockGro by helping them connect with the platform's best traders. In short, you can tap on any portfolio here to add that trader as your friend and view the stocks traded in such portfolios.

Can I rename my portfolio?

Yes, you can rename your Default portfolio.

What is a PrepZone?

Users in their learning journey to trade and invest in the Stock Market might want to compare their progress and proficiency in learning how to pick the right stocks and build a portfolio efficiently.

To facilitate this, just like any school or college conducting tests and examination, StockGro provides learning opportunities in their PrepZones for users to join and test their proficiency for investing in different asset classes in the markets. Given PrepZones are a learning and an education tool the stock price data displayed is a delayed data feed and does not indicate the current stock prices.

In a PrepZone, you will be provided platform currency which you can use to select stocks and build a practice stock portfolio. These PrepZones are held periodically on a, weekly and monthly basis. The PrepZones are free for users to join, i.e. a User does not have to pay any money to StockGro to join any such PrepZones.

Can I create my own PrepZone?

Currently, only StockGro and StockGro ambassadors can create PrepZones. Please contact us if you are interested in creating custom PrepZone.

What are 'Upcoming PrepZones'?

Upcoming PrepZones are those which are yet to start. You can register for these PrepZones subject to availability of seats.

What are 'My PrepZones'?

The PrepZones in which you've enrolled appear under the 'My PrepZones' tab, including those that you've already joined.

Can I join PrepZones everyday and at any time?

PrepZones run during regular market hours. Each PrepZone has specific timings associated with it, which can be viewed by clicking on the PrepZone in the 'Upcoming PrepZone' section under 'PrepZone' tab.

How can I join PrepZones?
  • To join PrepZones, tap on 'PrepZones'
  • All upcoming PrepZones programs will be listed here
  • Find a PrepZone of your choice which has seats 'Left'
  • On the next screen, PrepZone rules are displayed
  • Accept the PrepZone 'Terms & Conditions' and click 'Continue'
  • Next, Link one of the available Portfolios and click on 'Join'
What are the rules of a PrepZone?
  • Every user who joins a PrepZone needs to link an unlinked PrepZone portfolio to it
  • Note that a portfolio can be linked to one PrepZone only and one PrepZone will only support one portfolio
  • Once the portfolio is linked, the user can start adding stocks to the portfolio
  • To find more rules specific to the PrepZone, check out the PrepZone rules inside PrepZone Info section
Can I exit the PrepZone after it starts?

Yes, a PrepZone can be exited after it starts.

Can I exit the PrepZone before it starts?

Yes, a PrepZone can be exited before it starts.

Where can I see the PrepZones I joined in the past?

Tap on your 'Display Name' in the side menu, and check out the 'Recent Performance' section to see all the PrepZones that you've joined in.

What is 'Transaction Fee'?

Given StockGro is a learning platform to teach users all aspects of trading in a Stock Market, the platform also educates users about the potential transaction fee they may incur on every buy/sell transaction. Each time a trade is executed on practice portfolio, a transaction fee of 0.01% of the total traded value is also indicated on that transaction with the intent to help users understand the cost of trading/investing.

When does trading start on the StockGro app?

In the Default Portfolio, you can start trading at 9:15 AM when the market opens. However, in the case of PrepZones, please check the PrepZone section as each PrepZone has a different starting time. Do note - all PrepZones start after 9:30 AM and end before 3:25 PM.

When are the Champions announced?

Best Performers are announced at the end of the PrepZone. Users must visit the 'Ranks' tab inside a PrepZone to know their position.

How are the Champions decided?

Users are ranked the basis of absolute return on total portfolio value i.e. (returns generated)/(invested amount + Cash balance). The top ranking participants will be declared champions.

How are Bonus points awarded to the users?

All the PrepZone participants are continuously ranked in the order of their return %. At the end of the PrepZone, the StockGro Bonus points are awarded to the top rankers in the predetermined ratio. This ratio is published in advance on the PrepZone Rules page that appears at the time of joining the PrepZone.

What is the Champion's chart?

All StockGro users are ranked continuously based on the total StockGro Bonus points across PrepZones. The top users are recognized in the Champion's Chart that can be accessed from the side menu.

What is a StockGro Account?

StockGro Account reflects your StockGro cash and Bonus Point balance.

How can I withdraw money from my StockGro Account?

To withdraw 'StockGro Cash', click on 'Withdraw' option under 'StockGro Account'. Enter your 4-digit PIN and. Next, depending on the payment method selected, enter the amount you wish to transfer back and other requested details. Finally, accept the terms & conditions and click on 'Transfer'

What are the limits for withdrawing money?

Below is a sample table with tier-based withdrawal limits (Subject to change from time to time at the discretion of the company):

Minimum Req Balance₹500₹300₹200₹100
Daily Limit₹100₹200₹400₹800
Weekly Limit₹200₹400₹800₹1600
Monthly Limit₹400₹800₹1600₹3200


  • Min. Required Balance: This is the minimum 'StockGro Cash' required in your wallet for successful withdrawals.
    E.g. Rahul, a subscriber of the Basic Plan, needs a minimum StockGro Cash of 500 for successful withdrawals. Withdrawals will fail if the balance is below 500. They will also fail if daily/ weekly/ monthly withdrawal limits are exceeded.
  • Daily Limit: This is the maximum StockGro Cash amount any user can withdraw from the app daily
  • Weekly Limit: This is the maximum StockGro Cash amount any user can withdraw from the app in a week.
  • Monthly Limit: This is the maximum StockGro Cash amount any user can withdraw from the app in a month.
  • Minimum withdrawal amount is Rs. 100
What is StockGro Bonus Points/ Loyalty Points?

StockGro offers its users Bonus points in various forms for their regular and continuous use of the StockGro App. These StockGro Bonus points are in the form of brand loyalty points provided for performing various actions on the StockGro App such as when users invite friends onto the platform, perform well in PrepZones, complete their profile KYC etc. These Bonus points are awarded purely for the regular use of the StockGro App and the StockGro App does not permit any purchase or accrual of these points in any other way. These loyalty points may be redeemed by Users to participate in various rewards/offers that are run by the StockGro App for all users from time to time. Cashbacks and merchandise which are issued by StockGro for redemption of such loyalty points are only for user engagement purposes and as per the Company’s discretion.

Where can I see my Transaction History?

In 'StockGro Account', you can scroll down to find all the previous transactions such as rewards and withdrawals.

Where can I see my total StockGro Bonus Points?

In 'StockGro Wallet', there is a section called 'StockGro Bonus Cash'. Here the account's total Bonus points are visible.

Why is my withdrawal request failing?

A withdrawal request may fail either due to internet issues at your end or payment gateway failures. Some of the possible reasons for the same could be -

  1. User entered incorrect Password / PIN
  2. Payment Gateway is Down
  3. Bank is temporarily not accepting payments due to other technical reasons

In any case, if money was deducted but not credited into your account, the transaction will be reversed once the issue is resolved. And you can retry withdrawing the money after this reversal.

Why is my withdrawal request in pending state?

A withdrawal request may be in pending state due to technical issues at the bank or payment gateway's end. Kindly wait for a few hours for the transaction to be completed. If unsuccessful, any money that was deducted will be returned and you can re-attempt the transaction.

What is the 'Social' section?

'Social' section allows people with similar interests to come together and converse on chat groups. You and your friends can join a variety of social groups like Fundamental Analysis, Intraday Trading and Chart Analysis to learn more about Investing and Trading.

How can I join social groups?

In the 'Social' section, you can find the 'Discover' tab. Here all the social groups are listed and you can join them by tapping on the group.

Can I invite my friends to join StockGro?

Yes, you can invite your friends. To do so, tap on the 'Invite Friends' option in the side navigation bar and share your 'Invitation Code' with your friends. You and your friend will win Bonus Cash for each successful referral.

Can I chat with other PrepZone Users?

Yes, you can chat with other PrepZone Users by going into the 'Chat' tab visible on the PrepZone page.

Can I remove any of my friends or followers?

Yes, you can remove any of your friends or followers. To do so, tap on the 'Friends' option in the side navigation bar and tap on 'Remove' against their name.

Can I create my own chat group on StockGro?

Yes, you can create your own chat groups. Once inside the 'Social' section, tap on the 'Chats' section. Then tap on the floating '+' icon that's visible at the bottom and click on 'Create Private Group.' In a Private Group, you can add members from your Friend List.